What Exactly is a Floor Heater?

A conventional forced air heating system works like a charm in keeping you warm and cozy on a cold winter night. Whoever invented the room heater deserves a medal for keeping millions of people comfortable and relaxed even during times of extreme cold. There is one thing that room heaters fail to address though. Whenever you walk barefoot, you have to suffer the painful cold crawling up through your feet because room heaters do not heat up tiles very well. Fear not, for there is something called a heated tile system for that.

Just what is a floor heater? Well, a floor heater keeps your floor warm and comfortable even during freezing winter conditions by passing an electric current through cables that run under the floor– as long as your floor is made of conductive stone-like materials like granite, slate, marble or cement. The cable used for the system is very thin so you do not have to worry about excess floor elevation. It is also adjustable so you can have warm tile thermostat control to suit your exact need.

If you want to install a bathroom system, you do not have to worry about dying from electric shock. Bathroom specific floor heater systems are well insulated so that you do not run the risk of being electrocuted by your own floor.

Floor heaters are easy to find and install. Most models can be purchased online and installation only requires basic electrical and construction skills. So what are you waiting for? Get yourself one now!