How to Choose a Centralized Theme for Your Home

How Tiny Homes Can Inspire You to Cut Back

Summary: The tiny home trend comes with its pros and cons. But, you can take away some ideas that tiny homeowners are practicing to make your home more spacious and appealing.

There are endless options when it comes to redecorating your home. Ranging from a minimalistic modern style to a more edgy rustic style, there are countless ways to completely change the visual aspect of your house. Rather than thinking of certain approaches as “right” or “wrong,” you should instead be thinking about which approach fits your needs and lifestyle the best. How you choose to design your house should reflect who you are and your personality. Your house should complement, rather than limit, what you do.

You can learn about all sorts of different design trends from around the world. One specific design style that has become popularized due to the media is tiny homes. More and more people are selling their larger houses and apartments to live in their self-made, our bought, tiny home. Even if you live in a standard-sized house, there are still several things you can learn from tiny house design that you can implement into the design philosophy of your space.

Saving Space and Cutting Back

One of the biggest challenges those living in tiny houses will face is fitting everything inside your home. If you want to live comfortably and have a house that does not feel crowded, then you will likely need to cut down on the amount of things you have, be smarter about how you organize your items, and ensure that everything remains where it should be. You do not need to ditch your old foam seat from your favorite couch, but you can be smart about the other things you own.

For instance, a standard coffee table can be perfect for your living room, but it might take up a significant amount of space. Instead of just using the table as an area to place cups and plates, you can find a coffee table with shelves underneath. Purchasing this model gives you a place to store blankets, books, pillows, and other items that would otherwise be Justify out in the open. Clever furniture arrangements like this can help you maximize the amount of available room you have throughout your house.

Utilizing Windows

Another thing you will notice in most tiny houses is the use of windows. A room with large furniture from The Foam Factory and lamps can benefit from the clever placement of windows. These natural beauties will bring in the warm sunlight, illuminate the inside of your house, and can also be used to make your house appear larger and more spacious than it is. It’s a classic trick that many homeowners are using today.

Top Ways to Reinvent Your Old Patio

Summary: Taking the time to redesign your patio can completely transform the way you see your home.

Several homeowners are failing to realize that their outdoor patios can be the difference maker in terms of appeal. With the right additions, and subtractions, one can completely alter the look of their patio in as little as a few hours. This article will provide you with some pointers on how to accomplish just that.

Utilize Space Appropriately

It’s time to get creative when it comes to exterior designing. For any patio, you’ll want to use the surrounding space as best as you can. If you have a smaller are to work with, be aware of how much space you have so you don’t end up cramming things and creating a mess in the process. Not only will this create an imbalance but takes away from the actual usable space.

Match Your Furniture

When you’re picking out certain furniture styles for your patio, you’ll want to justify the look so it’s suitable for your surroundings. Take the time to find the exact pieces that you want. Then, try and visualize them in a pattern that you feel comfortable with. Ask yourself questions. Do they match or is there something sticking out? Keep in mind that not every furniture piece will look great next to one another. If aesthetics is something you’re concerned about, make sure to mix and match accordingly.

Simplicity Can be the Difference Maker

Often, opting for the simple route can be the best way to design your patio. It takes a few brilliant pieces to make your patio cozy and sleek at the same time. A clean deck to move around with a few strategically placed items can make all the difference and completely transform the look of your patio.

Blog submitted by Wicker Paradise: Wicker Paradise carries the finest wicker and rattan furniture for the lowest prices. To learn more, visit the experts at Wicker Paradise today.

Best Way to Paint Wicker Furniture

Wicker furniture is being quite commonly used for the outdoor spaces. Whether it provides comfortable seating on your porch, patios or gardens, wicker furniture has undoubtedly become a timeless classic. You can refresh the look of your furniture, by simply giving it a fresh coat of paint.

According to Wicker Paradise , you need to follow a number of tips, if you want to get professional and long-lasting results, while painting your favorite pieces of wicker furniture flawlessly.

Always make sure to remove any cushions from wicker chairs and sofas. Remove glass tops from your wicker tables. Then, vacuum the wicker using a crevice tool. Clean the weave by using a stiff bristled brush. Make sure that you clean in the tight corners and spaces in order to remove dust or flaking paint. If you are painting patio furniture, wipe down any mildewed area with a weak solution of bleach and water and allow it to dry completely.

Set the piece to be painted on a drop cloth. Hold the can 6 to 8 inches away from the wicker piece and use thin, even coats to apply the spray paint. Allow it to dry thoroughly before applying a second coat.

Finally, allow the final coat of paint to dry for at least 24 hours before replacing the cushions or glass tops and before allowing the furniture to be used. These tips will help to protect range of outdoor furniture for your patio or backyard and covers everything from cushions to Seagrass furniture.

What to Do With Set Furniture After Filming

Summary: Interior design plays a huge role in creating a visually captivating film. However, once the film is done you might be justify with lots of used items. You have a few options with what to do with the furniture you no longer need for that particular film.

Standout characteristics like acting and music have the potential to make or break a movie but there are several smaller aspects like set design that perhaps play a more subtle role in tying a film together. Once the crew is done filming and the post-production team takes over you have some options with what to do with the justifyover furniture.

Save for Later

Even if you are done filming in a particular location for your current film, you can still get plenty of use out of the pieces you invested in. For instance, a foam seat you used to help fill the character’s television room could be used in a cafe for another film. As you go through the furniture you bought you can make a note of what you can put in storage for a future film. This can help you get your money’s worth out of your purchases.

Donate to a Good Cause

As you go through the different decorations and pieces of furniture you purchased for a film, you might come to the conclusion that you simply no longer have a use for some of them. If you do not have the storage space or if you do not intend to use a piece in the future, there are plenty of charities that could use donations for those in need. That couch from The Foam Factory might not needed on set anymore but a family that does not have the funds for furniture could make great use out of it.

The Disadvantages of an Open Office Layout

Summary: While the concept of an open office is popular in many companies, there are some disadvantages you should consider.

Productivity is one of the main things businessowners focus on. How to get the most out of the resources you are given is a good way to work faster and better. As a businessowner, you have probably thought about how to organize your office space. Thinking outside of the box and being willing to try new things can help you succeed, but that does not necessarily mean you should try every new strategy or technique you hear about.

The concept of an open office has been popular in some offices for the past decade but should you convert your office? There are some disadvantages to the open office layout that you should take into consideration.


A big problem with an open office layout is the amount of distractions it creates. When people have their own offices or cubicles, they are able to work undisturbed by coworkers. When you are sitting at a desk without any dividers between you and your coworkers it is easy to get distracted from all of the visual and audio noise around you. Even if you have headphones on the people walking and moving around can distract you from what you are doing. This can lead to less productivity, and thus, lower efficiency.

Lack of Security

Your working area will be less secure in an open office layout. If many people are walking around it could be easy for someone you do not know to take something from your desk, be it an important paper or your laptop. Even if you trust the people you work with, visitors could make you think twice about what you leave on your desk when you step out.

Blog submitted by The Foam Factory: If you are in the market for new outdoor furniture cushions or if you need a new couch cushion, head over to The Foam Factory for all of your foam needs!